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People v. Fleishman. 10PDJ053. April 11, 2012. Attorney Regulation. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge approved a Conditional Admission of Misconduct submitted by the parties and publicly censured A. Craig Fleishman (Attorney Registration Number 06820), effective April 11, 2012. Fleishman engaged in a business transaction that was not fair or reasonable to his client by personally guaranteeing a $200,000.00 line of credit, whereby the client would pay Fleishman and his law partner each a fee of $33,333.00 if the client drew $120,000.00 or less from the line of credit; if the client drew more, the fee would increase to $66,667.00 each. Further, Fleishman continued to defend the client in litigation after learning that the client had carried out a series of fraudulent acts, even though Fleishman should have known he might become liable for the line of credit, giving rise to a potential conflict of interest in providing competent and diligent representation. Fleishman’s misconduct constitutes grounds for the imposition of discipline pursuant to C.R.C.P. 251.5 and violated Colo. RPC 1.8(a)(1) and 1.7(b)(1).

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