People v. Edward T. Buckingham III. 14PDJ035. April 17, 2014. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge approved the parties’ conditional admission of misconduct and suspended Edward T. Buckingham III (Attorney Registration Number 08218) for eighteen months. The suspension takes effect May 21, 2014. Buckingham was the Attorney General for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. On February 20, 2014, he was found guilty of the following crimes: (1) use of public supplies, services, time, and personnel for campaign activities; (2) use of the name of a government department or agency to campaign and/or express support for a candidate running for public office; (3) three violations of misconduct in public office; (4) theft of services; and (5) conspiracy to commit theft of services. Buckingham’s sentences for these offenses ranged from six months to one year imprisonment, all suspended. He paid a total of $14,000.00 in fines and was placed on one year of unsupervised probation. Through this conduct, Buckingham violated Colo. RPC 8.4(b), which proscribes criminal acts that reflect adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects.