People v. Tannous, No. 04PDJ040. July 30, 2004. Attorney Regulation. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge approved the parties’ Conditional Admission of Misconduct and suspended Respondent Karim J. Tannous, attorney registration number 26745, from the practice of law in the State of Colorado, effective July 30, 2004, for a period of 90 days, 60 days stayed upon successful completion of a two-year period of probation, effective July 30, 2004. Respondent neglected a client’s criminal case by failing to appear at scheduled court hearings and failing to keep the client informed of court dates and other matters. During much of this time, Respondent was in Central Africa. The client was successful in obtaining a favorable plea bargain without Respondent’s assistance. By neglecting a legal matter entrusted to him, Respondent violated Colo. RPC 1.3. By failing to keep his client informed, Respondent violated Colo. RPC 1.4(a). By collecting a substantial fee to perform the entire case and then abandoning his client after providing minimal work, Respondent violated Colo. RPC 1.5(a). By effectively terminating the relationship with his client in failing to appear at court dates and failing to communicate with the client, respondent violated RPC 1.16(d). Respondent was ordered to pay the costs of this proceeding and comply with other conditions.