People v. Terner. 12PDJ005. January 19, 2012. Attorney Regulation. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge approved a Conditional Admission of Misconduct submitted by the parties and suspended David Israel George Terner (Attorney Registration Number 31261) from the practice of law for thirty days, all stayed upon successful completion of a two-year period of probation, with conditions, effective January 19, 2012. Terner took possession of his client’s funds without accounting for them and without providing services of value to his client. Terner also disclosed information about his representation of two clients without their express consent. His misconduct constitutes grounds for the imposition of discipline pursuant to C.R.C.P. 251.5 and violated Colo. RPC 1.15(a) (2007), 1.15(b) (2007), and 1.6 (2007).