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People v. Romero. 12PDJ033. September 25, 2012. Attorney Regulation. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge approved a conditional admission of misconduct submitted by the parties and publicly censured Douglas L. Romero (Attorney Registration Number 35464), effective September 25, 2012. Romero failed to advise his clients that their interests might be compromised by being called as witnesses in matters against one another. Romero also neglected to adequately keep track of disbursements made on behalf of one of his clients. Romero’s negligent record-keeping may have resulted in the negligent conversion of those disbursements and of another client’s funds. His misconduct constitutes grounds for the imposition of discipline pursuant to C.R.C.P. 251.5 and violated Colo. RPC 1.7 and 1.15(j).

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