People v. O’Leary. 12PDJ073. December 3, 2012. Attorney Regulation. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge approved a conditional admission of misconduct submitted by the parties and suspended Clive A. O’Leary (Attorney Registration Number 03735) for one year, effective December 3, 2012. On March 12, 2012, O’Leary was suspended from the practice of law in Virginia for one year, with conditions. In two separate client matters, O’Leary failed to reasonably communicate with his clients, failed to deposit his clients’ unearned funds into his trust account, and was dishonest when asked by a bar investigator where he had deposited the clients’ funds. His misconduct constitutes grounds for the imposition of reciprocal discipline pursuant to C.R.C.P. 251.5 and 251.21(a).